Monday 15 December 2008

Christmas Exhibition

As part of our course in Visual Communications an exhibition is held at the end of a Professional Brief. I feel this exhibition is a valuable tool into the progression of our career path, as it gives us the opportunity to present our work to a professional standard.

For my space I decided to link all my projects together, so for the exhibition it shows professionalism in my presentation. I feel presentation is really important, It show that you are organised and shows potential employers that you are committed. 

Monday 8 December 2008

Statement of Intent

Over the third year I would like to focus on graphic design and photography. At this moment in time these are the key areas which I would like to pursue. I feel it is extremely important that when I leave university I have a clear understanding of what path I would like to take.

I would like to improve my portfolio hugely, I feel this is an important process that needs to be done in my third year. Also by preparing myself for leaving university will be valuable for me. A CV and business card should also be completed. 

I would like to get myself involved in the design industry as much as possible and build up contacts. I am not too sure where I see myself living just yet, but the two cities Manchester and Leeds are definitely worth investigating.